Dr. Gert Rietveld, Universiteit Twente, Chief Metrologist, VSL
Gert is Chief Metrologist at VSL, the national measurement institute of the Netherlands. After two decades of work on electrical quantum standards, his current research focuses on power and energy metrology and in particular metrology for smart electrical grids. He has coordinated a 22-partner EU project on Smart Grid Metrology, was the founding chair of the EURAMET expert group on power and energy, and he presently is leading the European Metrology Network on Smart Electricity Grids. He has published over 180 articles in transactions, journals and proceedings.
Dr. Rietveld is member of the International Committee for Weights and Measures and President of its Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (CCEM). He is a senior IEEE member, and member of several EURAMET, CIGRE, and IEEE Working Groups.
Gert Rietveld received the M.Sc. (cum laude) and Ph.D. degrees in low temperature and solid-state physics from the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 1988 and 1993, respectively.
Ivan Duvnjak, PhD, C.E., University of Zagreb
Ivan Duvnjak is an associate professor, head of the Structural Testing Laboratory, and head of the chair for Mechanics of Materials and Testing of Structures at the Faculty of the Civil Engineering at University of Zagreb.
His primary research interests include structural health monitoring, structural damage detection, non-destructive testing, static and dynamic testing of structures, proof loading of bridges, mechanical properties of materials, model updating of structures, etc. Recently, he has been engaged in the experimental determination of dynamic properties of existing structures and mechanical properties of masonry structures to gain a better understanding of the seismic response of structures.
As an author and co-author, he has published more than 80 scientific papers in journals, and international and national scientific conferences. He is one of the authors of the university textbook Theory of elasticity and plasticity with methods for solving tasks. He is actively involved in ten international and national scientific research projects. He also serves as a reviewer for the international and national scientific journals, as well as a guest editor in several scientific journals.
Recently, he spent a short time at international institutes (Eucentre TREES Lab) and universities (Lulea LTU, Barcelona UPC, Aveiro) in Europe. Besides his scientific and teaching activities, he is actively involved in professional work. He is an active member of the international working group AG9 (Testing and Structural Health Monitoring) at FIB and the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE).