Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Žilvinas Nakutis is a full-time professor at Kaunas University of Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering faculty and a chairman of the Senate of Kaunas University of Technology.
His research interests include smart metering in power systems, wireless power charging, legal metrology, electrical measurements instrumentation, remote error monitoring, andpower consumption in embedded systems.
Currently, he is leading a research project titled “Research of Anomaly Detection Methods for Electrical Energy Smart Metering Data” funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. The project’s scope covers the development of techniques for detecting various anomalies using power event observation and machine learning.
As an author and co-author, he has published more than 60 scientific papers in journals and international conferences. He also serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals and as a committee member of several international conferences. He is also an expert on national science and innovation agencies and councils, a multiple referee in Euramet EMPIR projects review conferences.
Žilvinas Nakutis received an M.Sc. and Ph.D. diplomas in measurement engineering from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, in 1994 and 2001, respectively.
KEYNOTE TALK: Anomaly Detection Techniques using Smart Metering in Distribution Grid
Electricity smart metering systems generate data volumes, which may be exploited beyond the consumed energy and its profiles provision to consumers. In addition to active energy, smart meters measure and deliver voltage, current, active/reactive power and energy readings. Moreover, synchronous readings acquisition from several smart meters and centralized processing opens new opportunities for detecting various faults.
For more than a decade in many scientific publications anomaly detection techniques dedicated to thefts, meter errors or failures, and grid technical loss monitoring were studied intensively. Nevertheless, the research seems to continue taking into account various restrictions in low voltage distribution grids like partial smart metering deployment, bidirectional power flows in the distribution grid, absence of sum meters, low rate of readings collection, load on communication infrastructure, need to preserve consumer confidentiality, unavailability of grid topology and distribution line parameters, etc. In this keynote speech, the survey of anomaly detection techniques published and their classification concerning data acquisition needs and processing algorithms will be discussed along with the challenges of implementation.
prof. dr. sc. HRVOJE PANDŽIĆ
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia

Hrvoje Pandžić is a Professor at the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. He is a Professor at the Department of Power and Energy Systems. Also, he is the Head of the Demand Response Living Laboratory and an Associate Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. His areas of interest include electricity markets, battery and hydrogen modelling, and power system operation and planning.
He has published over 80 papers in JCR journals and coordinates multiple European and Croatian research projects. He holds a US and EU patent on determining battery parameters and their use.
KEYNOTE TALK: Battery Energy Storage in Modern Power Systems
Battery energy storage has become an important part of modern power systems. As such, its operation model needs to be integrated into the state-of-the-art market clearing, system operation, and investment models. The talk will first discuss the potential revenue streams of battery storage, especially within the European market settlement. Additionally, the talk will present laboratory experiments performed on lithium-ion battery cells and propose models that accurately describe the reactions within the battery.