Presentation guidelines


This page contains instructions for creating presentations and posters, and presenting instructions. We have also prepared a template for creating presentations and posters you can download below.

Instructions for presenters and speakers:

  • The total time allotted to each speaker is 20 minutes. You should plan to speak for around 15 minutes and another 5 minutes should remain for questions.
  • Invited speakers have 45 minutes for their presentation in total, and they should plan to speak for about 35-40 minutes leaving 5-10 minutes for questions.

Instructions for creating a presentation:

  • Show 1 slide per minute of speaking time. This means approximately 15 slides maximum 15 minutes of presentation at the conference (remember to leave a few minutes for questions).
  • Recognize and present the most important parts of work and research! Avoid numeorus graphs, equations or tables in a rapid sequence!
  • Make the letters on your slides readable – the suggested minimum font size is 14.
  • Number the slides for quick reference.
  • Put no more than 12 lines of text or 4 curves on the slide.
  • In addition to the body of the presentation, present an introduction and conclusion.
  • The elementary parts of the presentation are: content, short introduction, research paper core, and a discussion/conclusion.

Tips for presenting:

  • Avoid lengthy tabulations of numerical data and limit equations to those for which the terms can be properly defined.
  • Your audience needs time to interpret the data that you present. While you are familiar with the data displayed, the audience is not. Describe the abscissa, coordinates, units, and the legend for each curve.
  • When you display a curve, tell the audience what they should be looking for to grasp the point you are trying to make. The audience will not have time to figure it out for themselves.
  • Use repetition in your talk to ensure the audience understands the facts.
  • Include only information or data that can be properly explained in the allotted time.
  • Repeat any questions that are posed to you.
  • If a question requires a lengthy reply, suggest that you and the person asking the question meet after the presentation. Then take the discussion out of the meeting room.

Poster presentation guide:

Template is not mandatory, it is an example and inspiration if needed.

  • Template instructions:
    • upper right corner (dark square) – place your organizational logo;
    • first gray line – brief abstract about the problem being explored, technology being employed, products featuring new measurement methods, patents available for licensing, new measurement and instrumentation methodologies, new measurement application areas, collaboration opportunities, etc.
    • second gray line -use the space as you think appropriate (text, graphics, figures, charts, tables, etc.). It should consist of one printed page.
  • All the equipment needed for attaching the poster on board will be provided on-site.
  • One poster board is allocated to each presentation. The maximum and recommended poster size is 135 cm x 95 cm (i.e. A0), portrait format.
  • The text should be easily readable from 2 meters. Make the font size at least 36 pt.
  • Each poster presenter is expected to be present during the poster session slot to have the paper included in the conference proceedings.
  • Simply posting the pages of the written version of the proceedings paper or similar improvisations are not effective and thus are generally not acceptable. Make a proper poster according to the guidelines.
  • It is a good idea to sequentially number your materials in the poster. This will indicate to the viewer a logical progression through your poster.
  • Provide an introduction (outline) and a summary or conclusion for your poster.
  • Prepare your poster carefully so that it can be used as the basis to explain and answer questions from the viewers.
  • It is helpful to have copies of your proceedings paper available for those who may want to study the specifics of your work in more detail.
  • Have your business cards or contact information available for those who may wish to contact you later.
  • Bring along a notepad to use for a discussion of technical details relating to your poster.

Standards and Templates (for PPT, PPTX and PDF):


NOTICE: As a reminder, your accepted paper will be published to the proceedings and to submitted to the inclusion into IEEE Xplore after your presentation at the conclusion of the SMAGRIMET 2023.

Help desk information:

Please direct any questions about Registration, online proceedings or Conference Publications to email address: